RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Lord, I love your commands.
TODAY’S MASS INTENTION: Mária Bara, by the Csók Family
August | 5 | Saturday | No Traditional Latin Mass | |
August | 6 | Sunday | 9:15 AM | Ferenc & Julia Tárcsay, by Éva Szabó |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: Every year on August 2nd, there is an opportunity to receive the “Portiuncula Indulgence” or also known as the “Great Pardon.” The word “portiuncula” means “little portion” and was the nickname St. Francis gave to a small chapel. This chapel was dedicated to St. Mary of the Angels (Our Lady of the Angels) and was very dear to St. Francis of Assisi (hence the nickname he gave). This chapel is considered to be the cradle of the Franciscan Order. In 1209, as the quarters of Rivo Torto became too small for the newly forming Religious Order, St. Francis obtained from the Benedictines the use of the Portiuncula, for which he paid a basket of fish. The chapel and the surrounding small parcel of land were in disrepair. Just as he had done at San Damiano, St. Francis rebuilt the chapel, adding small huts (cells) and enclosing it all in a protective hedge. It was there that St. Francis gained a more vivid understanding of his own vocation. He held the annual meetings of the friars (Chapters) there and it is where he desired to spend his final earthly moments; dying in his nearby cell October 3, 1226.
St. Francis felt that the Portiuncula was a place filled with God’s grace. In 1216, at the request of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Honorius granted special privilege (plenary indulgence – a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins) to all those who would visit the little chapel. Liturgically, the order began to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Angels on this day. The beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli that now surrounds the Portiuncula chapel was begun in 1569 (completed in 1684) by decree of Pius V. It was meant to accommodate the huge crowds of pilgrims who came on August 2nd for the Portiuncula Indulgence. Later the Holy See has approved this indulgence for the whole world.
The conditions to obtain it: Anyone who on Aug. 2 visits a basilica minor, a cathedral, or a parish church with the intention of honoring Our Lady of the Angels and recites the Creed, the Our Father, and prays for the Holy Father’s intentions, may receive a plenary indulgence. In addition, a plenary indulgence requires that the individual be in the state of grace by the completion of the acts, and have complete detachment from sin. The person must also sacramentally confess their sins, up to about 20 days before or after the indulgenced act, and receive Communion that day.
AUGUST SPECIAL ELECTION: Issue 1 asks voters if Ohio should “Require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio receive the approval of at least 60 percent of eligible voters on the proposed amendment.” Passing Issue 1 directly affects the issue of abortion in Ohio. Namely, the abortion lobby, with the current easy threshold of 50.01%, is presently attempting to enshrine abortion up until birth with zero restrictions in Ohio’s constitution this November. Thus passing the Issue 1 (voting YES on August 8, 2023) will help protect the most fundamental right of all – the right to life. Please, ensure you are registered to vote and verify your voting information before July 10, 2023 by going to
Sunday, August 6: Early In-Person Voting ends at 5:00 pm
Monday, August 7: Last day to drop off or postmark your Absentee Ballot
Tuesday August 8: ELECTION DAY
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting our parish. Last Sunday’s collection: $1,105. Thank you for sending in your offertory donation through the mail, or through the PayPal option found on the website:
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “The strength of a man’s virtue must not be measured by his occasional efforts, but by his ordinary life.” Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
A UNIQUE PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN AND HEAL YOUR MARRIAGE – September 22-24, 2023: The Retrouvaille program is designed to help married couples develop improved ways of communicating and relating to each other in order to overcome challenges which have left them feeling frustrated, hurt, distant, or even hopeless. Retrouvaille, which means rediscovery, is supported by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, but is open to couples of all faiths. This program consists of a weekend experience and six follow up sessions. For more information concerning the program, or to register, visit or call Shelly or Rob at 216.509.0301 or 440.836.4810.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, and Virginia Kachmar.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
THIS SUNDAY the 11:15 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and on the website,
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