FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT – March 19, 2023 – Laetare Sunday

 RESP. PSALM: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

TODAY’S MASS INTENTION: Eleanor Rusnacik, by the Harmat Family


March 25 Saturday 9:00 AM Traditional Latin Mass
March 26 Sunday 9:15 AM For the Dunai & Karetka Family, by the Dunai Family

FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) Below, I continue from last week to list the essentials for a solid spiritual life. I will finish the series with a monthly and annual spiritual plan next time. (2) Solemnity of St. Joseph is on Monday, the 20th, this year. The reason is that its feast day (March 19) falls on Sunday of Lent. Since Sundays of Lent take priority, it is moved forward a day. Let us often have recourse to this powerful protector and intercessor. (3) This past Thursday marked the midpoint of the Lenten season. This is a good time to take stock of how we are doing. Most of us probably started Lent with great determination to utilize this opportunity to grow in our spiritual life with penance and prayers. How are we doing at keeping those resolutions we made on Ash Wednesday? Now, while we still have some time, let us renew our Lenten commitments.


(1) Holy Mass on Sunday: Sunday Mass should be the center of our lives and it should be the center of the week, in other words, its highlight. Many make a mistake of only trying to fit in the Mass in their weekend plans. It should be the opposite. We should plan our weekend around the Mass. Missing the Mass on Sunday when there is no grave reason (such as serious illness) is a mortal sin. Even when we are on vacation, we should plan ahead.

(2) BVM Saturdays: Every Saturday is devotionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM=Beata Virgo Maria). She is our Mother who does so much for us. As I indicated last week, it is recommended to pray the Rosary every day. However, it is appropriate to remember our heavenly Mother in a special way on Saturdays. May we can go to a daily Mass in the morning, or we can say a Marian prayer (for example, the prayer of Hail Holy Queen).

(3) Weekly penance: Unless there is a solemnity celebrated that day, every Friday is a penitential day to honor Jesus’ crucifixion. Therefore, not just during Lent, but throughout the year, every Friday should be lived with this spirit. Have a plan on how to remember Jesus’ suffering and thank Him for the gift of His love – our redemption.

(4) Visits to the Blessed Sacrament: It is beneficial to interrupt our weekday routine to do occasionally something we usually do not. If we are close to a church that is open, or even has an adoration chapel, why not stop by for 5 minutes to greet the Eucharistic Lord. He is waiting for us in every tabernacle for us.

A Review of Lenten Regulations for Latin Catholics: 1. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meat and also days of fast, that is, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. 2. All Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence from meat. 3. The obligation to abstain from meat commences at 14 years old. 4. The obligation to fast commences at 18 years of age and ends at 59 years of age. 5. The laws on abstinence and fast bind under the pain of mortal sin.

PALM BRANCHES FROM LAST YEAR: The palms that we receive on Palm Sunday are blessed. If we no longer wish them to have displayed or kept in our homes, they should be properly disposed of by either burning or burying in the ground. At the beginning of the Easter vigil we will have a fire in which we will burn these branches (from them we have ashes for Ash Wednesday). If you would like to dispose of the old palm branches, please bring them to the church by April 5.

LENTEN CONCERT will be held here at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 4PM. The concert is free to attend (free will offering). Before the concert, starting at 3PM, I will be hearing confessions.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting our parish: Sun. 3/12: collection: $855. Thank you for sending in your offertory donation through the mail, or through the PayPal option found on the website:

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, and Virginia Kachmar.


THIS SUNDAY the 11:15 AM Mass from St. Emeric will be livestreamed at  and on the website,


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