RESP. PSALM: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.
TODAY’S MASS INTENTION: For the Dunai & Karetka Family, by the Dunai Family
April | 1 | Saturday | No Traditional Latin Mass | |
April | 2 | Sunday | 9:15 AM | András & Julianna Fejes, by Ildikó Ponyeczki |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: (1) As we did last year, we are veiling the crosses and the statues for the last two weeks of Lent. Crosses remain covered until the end of the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, but images remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. We are not certain in which era this custom began, but the origins seem to come from a medieval tradition of the “hunger cloth” which was a huge violet cloth hung in front of the altar to keep the congregation from viewing the altar. The hunger cloth provided all attending a “fast of the eyes.” The cloths over time changed to smaller sizes and with more decorations. The actual covering of images came later, perhaps continuing that theme of “fasting of the eyes.” By depriving ourselves of some decorations and inducing a somber mood, it is meant to help us focus and enter more deeply in the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2) As is custom at St. Emeric, there will be no Stations of the Cross at 10:45AM next week, as we read the Passion during the Palm Sunday Mass. (3) Below, I continue from last week to list the essentials for a solid spiritual life.
(1) Confession: The spiritual directors and many saints recommend building a habit of a monthly confession. If we do not go for a while, we forget a lot and may just remember the “big” things. The monthly confession enables us to see ourselves (our sins) in a more thorough way. The spiritual life is like a beautiful mosaic that is created out of many little pieces.
(2) Recollection: It is good to spend an hour or so a month in recollection. The best place for it is in the church, in the presence of the Tabernacle. We can meditate on how my life is directed towards God.
(3) Monthly devotions: Every month is dedicated to Jesus, Mary, or a particular saint in a special way (for example, March is dedicated to St. Joseph). We could incorporate it in our prayer life by adding some prayers (or novenas) that reference, or are related to the month’s devotion.
PALM BRANCHES FROM LAST YEAR: The palms that we receive on Palm Sunday are blessed. If we no longer wish them to have displayed or kept in our homes, they should be properly disposed of by either burning or burying in the ground. At the beginning of the Easter vigil we will have a fire in which we will burn these branches (from them we have ashes for Ash Wednesday). If you would like to dispose of the old palm branches, please bring them to the church by April 5.
Holy Thursday / Nagycsütörtök |
6PM |
X |
Eucharistic Adoration on Holy Thursday / Szentségimádás nagycsütörtökön |
X |
8PM – 11PM |
Good Friday Stations of the Cross / Nagypénteki keresztút |
2PM |
5PM |
Good Friday Liturgy / Nagypénteki liturgia |
3PM |
6PM |
Holy Saturday / Nagyszombat |
X |
8:45PM |
Easter Sunday / Húsvétvasárnap |
9:15AM |
11:15AM |
Blessing of Easter Baskets / Húsvéti ételszentelés |
After Mass on Easter Sunday |
After Masses on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday |
CONFESSIONS (at St. Emeric) |
Monday, April 3, 6-7PM |
LENTEN CONCERT will be held here at St. Elizabeth of Hungary church on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 4PM. The concert is free to attend (free will offering). Before the concert, starting at 3PM, I will be hearing confessions.
A Review of Lenten Regulations for Latin Catholics: 1. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meat and also days of fast, that is, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. 2. All Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence from meat. 3. The obligation to abstain from meat commences at 14 years old. 4. The obligation to fast commences at 18 years of age and ends at 59 years of age. 5. The laws on abstinence and fast bind under the pain of mortal sin.
PRE-HOLY WEEK PILGRIMAGE: Walking Pilgrimage to the four churches of Lakewood on April 1st. We begin at St. Luke Parish (1212 Bunts Road) at 9:30am and will conclude with a free luncheon.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting our parish. Thank you for sending in your offertory donation through the mail, or through the PayPal option found on the website:
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, and Virginia Kachmar.
THIS SUNDAY the 9:15 AM Mass from St. Elizabeth of Hungary will be livestreamed at and on the website,
This post is also available in: Hungarian
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