RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord hears the cry of the poor.
TODAY’S MASS INTENTION: Amelia R. Toth, by Lenny Toth
October | 29 | Saturday | 9:00 AM | Traditional Latin Mass |
October | 30 | Sunday | 9:15 AM | Barnabás & Aranka Zsurzsa, by the Zsurzsa Family |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: The month of October is a Respect Life Month. For this reason, I have decided to focus on this issue in my columns during this month. The reason for the church to have such a month is the fact that God’s gift of life is not only not respected in the many quarters of the society, but also outright trampled and abused. The chief issue is the wholesale murder of unborn children. Unfortunately, it seems that many people are getting used to it and do not raise objections or fight for justice in this regard. Moreover, they may even not consider it to be an important issue. Perhaps what could have contributed to the development of this viewpoint was the so-called “seamless garment” theory.
The “Seamless Garment” approach, also called consistent ethic of life, equated all the “life issues” and leveled any distinctions between them. Thus, abortion was placed on the same level as war, affordable housing, and care for elderly. Subsequently, the proponents of this philosophy pushed pro-lifers to avoid putting abortion issue above all the other ones and to stop being “single issue” activists and voters. But, what’s wrong with single issue movements? Many revered movements of the history (for example, abolitionists) have been entirely single-issue.
We must be clear; the “seamless garment” approach is not a Catholic approach. Its aim is to dilute the issue and confuse the people. The moral theology clearly teaches that certain acts are intrinsically evil, meaning that they are immoral irrespective of the circumstances. We may never condone, for any reason, these types of acts. Killing of an unborn child is one such act. There is no justification for it. The aim of the “seamless garment” philosophy is surreptitiously lead people into a compromise.
In the magisterial document Donum Vitae (The Gift of Life) the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirmed that, “The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life.” If we do not respect and uphold this very basic and most precious right, all the other efforts concerning the other human rights are worth nothing.
ALL SAINTS (Holy Day of Obligation): This year the Solemnity of the All Saints falls on Tuesday, November 1 and we are bound to attend Mass for this solemnity. To fulfill this obligation, we will have Mass on Nov. 1st at 12 Noon at St. Elizabeth Church. The other options for fulling this obligation are at St. Emeric: Monday, October 31 at 6PM (in English); on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 9AM and at 6:30PM (in Hungarian).
ALL SOULS DAY: On Wednesday, November 2, we will celebrate the All Souls Day. An extra Mass will be said at 12 Noon here at St. Elizabeth.
ST. ELIZABETH FEAST DAY CELEBRATION AND DINNER WILL BE NOVEMBER 13: Solemn Mass at 11 AM; Dinner at 12:30 PM. Dinner Menu: traditional chicken dinner with dessert. Cost is to be determined later due the fluctuation of some prices for food. The last week’s prices were from the last year and were accidently printed. I apologize for the confusion. We will try to post the price ASAP. Please make your reservations by Monday November 7, by calling Virginia Kachmar (home: 216-791-6270 or cell: 216-246-2370) or Ilonka Hudak (440-944-1384).
PRAYER INTENTION: Let us pray for those who gave their lives in the 1956 uprising of the Hungarian people against the communist dictatorship. May their souls rest in peace. We remain resilient only when our love for God is strong in our hearts.
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is today; collection for the mission will be taken up next week.
SUNDAY COLLECTION FIGURES: (10/16): Sunday Collection: $410; donation: $50. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting our parish. Thank you for sending in your offertory donation through the mail, or through the PayPal option found on the website:
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially, Jay Kovács, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó and Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, and Alex Szaday.
THIS SUNDAY the 11:15 AM Mass from St. Emeric church will be livestreamed at and on the website,
This post is also available in: Hungarian
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