JOINT BULLETIN of Saint Emeric Roman Catholic Church and St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church
As announced last week no Mass on Sunday at St. Emeric. Everyone is invited to St. Elizabeth for 11AM Mass.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
TODAY’S MASS INTENTION (at St. Elizabeth): András Karácsony, by the Karácsony Family
July | 8 | Saturday | 9:00 AM | Traditional Latin Mass |
July | 9 | Sunday | 9:15 AM | Erzsébet Csók, by the Csók Family |
FROM THE DESK OF FR. BONA: This online version of the bulletin slightly differs from the printed one. My plans due to unforeseen circumstances have changed and so I will not be traveling. There will be weekday Masses and livestreaming. I keep you all in my prayer, Fr. Bona
TODAY – CONCERT AT ST. ELIZABETH’S COURTYARD: Join us after 11AM Mass for the guitar concert by Marcell Nickmann. Food available for purchase.
JULY – A MONTH OF PRECIOUS BLOOD: The veneration of the Precious Blood teaches us to honor the blood sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us honor the fact that He loved us so much – to the point of shedding his blood and sacrificing His life for us. We are able to truly appreciate this great love only when we accept the offer of Jesus’ friendship by living authentic, prayerful Christian lives. Let the month of July be a good occasion to place the Blood of Jesus at the center of our veneration. The Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus is a very appropriate prayer for this purpose.
THE HISTORY OF THE CULT OF THE HOLY BLOOD: Tradition has it that at Calvary, a portion of the Precious Blood flowing from the side of Christ was collected and devoutly guarded. During the reign of Charlemagne, the precious stone vessel in which the Precious Blood was kept was brought to the West from Jerusalem.
PRAYER IN THE POWER OF THE PRECIOUS BLOOD: O God, may the True Blood, the Blood of the Lamb, spotless and undefiled, the precious Blood of your only begotten, Jesus Christ, be our protection. He has brought peace through His Blood shed on the cross: His Blood, the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant, which cleanses us from all sin, may wash us, sanctify us, and save us. Amen.
A UNIQUE PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN AND HEAL YOUR MARRIAGE – SEPTEMBER 22-24, 2023: The Retrouvaille program is designed to help married couples develop improved ways of communicating and relating to each other in order to overcome challenges which have left them feeling frustrated, hurt, distant, or even hopeless. Retrouvaille, which means rediscovery, is supported by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, but is open to couples of all faiths. This program consists of a weekend experience and six follow up sessions. For more information concerning the program, or to register, visit or call Shelly or Rob at 216.509.0301 or 440.836.4810.
LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION (6/25): Sunday offering: $505. Special donation: $250.00. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting our parish. May God reward your generosity. Thank you for sending in your donations by mail or using our website
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially, Kathy Szabó, Kamilla Szabó, Anna Melega, Dorothy Fromhercz, Alex Szaday, and Virginia Kachmar.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
AUGUST SPECIAL ELECTION: Issue 1 asks voters if Ohio should “Require that any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ohio receive the approval of at least 60 percent of eligible voters on the proposed amendment.” Passing Issue 1 directly affects the issue of abortion in Ohio. Namely, the abortion lobby, with the current easy threshold of 50.01%, is presently attempting to enshrine abortion up until birth with zero restrictions in Ohio’s constitution this November. Thus passing the Issue 1 (voting YES on August 8, 2023) will help protect the most fundamental right of all – the right to life. Please, ensure you are registered to vote and verify your voting information before July 10, 2023 by going to
Monday, July 10: Deadline to Register to Vote or Update Voter Information
Tuesday, July 11: Absentee and Early In-Person Voting begins
Sunday, August 6: Early In-Person Voting ends at 5:00 pm
Monday, August 7: Last day to drop off or postmark your Absentee Ballot
Tuesday August 8: ELECTION DAY
THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS WEST FOR ADULTS 40 & OVER: On Monday, July 10, at Copper Cup (Ironwood Café) 680 Dover Center in Westlake. Speaker: Fr. Eric Garris, Diocesan Vocation Director. Topic: Living the Mystery: Glorifying the Lord by our Life. Cost is $15.00 per person which includes light appetizers & refreshments. Cash Bar is also available. Advance tickets highly recommended as space is limited. Register in advance at: Doors open at 6:30PM. Program begins at 7PM.
ONLINE STREAMING THIS SUNDAY: 11:00 AM Mass from St. Elizabeth of Hungary church will be livestreamed at and and also at
This post is also available in: Hungarian
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